Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Banting Diet

The Banting Diet/Lifestyle is the famous high fat low carb diet that has become a common name to most individuals, as many people have changed their eating habits and incorporated the Banting Diet as their new must have food. Those individuals who have been following this form of diet religiously have experienced amazing results, whereas some feel it has done nothing for them.

With life comes the highs and lows, similarly we experience the same with diets, no matter what diet we choose they will be highs and lows. So, let me enlighten you more on the highs and lows of the Banting Diet.

To most individuals if a diet can produce weight loss then that is the best news for that individual. The Banting Diet effects each individual different as we are all not the same and also, we should take into count an individual medical history as well as their past food choices. Little factors can affect individuals who undergo this form of diet.

Flu-like symptoms

The one factor that is common in all individuals who undergo the Banting Diet is they experience flu like symptoms, known as the ‘the induction’ flu. It is very common in the firsts weeks of the high fat low carb diet. Also headaches can be experienced, vomiting, nausea and may experience slight confusion of the brain. But nothing to serious and theses symptoms do disappear after a few days. Actually, speaking these symptom’s individuals undergo can literally be avoided if the individual just keeps themselves properly hydrated. A simple quick fix method is to add some salt to water and consume it as this will reduce the side effects that comes with the diet.

Leg Cramps

Another common side effect of the high fat low carb diet, leg cramps occurs due to the loss of magnesium in the body and its not to serious but can create much discomfort for the individual. A simple solution is to consume much liquids, like salt water or take a magnesium supplement to reduce those painful cramps.


This happens and is quite common in certain individuals, due to the change in diet and the body is learning to adapt to the change. Constipation also occurs due to the low carb diet as the body becomes dehydrated. So again, drinking fluids with salt is going to help the body from becoming dehydrated, and consume plenty of non – starchy veggies.

Bad Breath

No one would like to have bad breath but this occurs in some individuals due to the ketone levels in the body which produces acetone. But this is a good result in a way as this shows that the body is burning down the fats. All that is needed is some good oral hygiene as the side effects is temporary.

Heart Palpitations

Due to this form of diet the body gets dehydrated so there is less fluid to help in blood circulation as the heart will have to pump faster to help the blood flow. So, drink plenty of fluids and this will help resolve the problem.

So, to sum up when you are on the Banting Diet always make sure that you always remain hydrated as this will prevent your body from experiencing some of the common side-effects experienced by some individuals. Eat enough of veggies and try not to consume too many starchy veggies.

And most importantly try and get some salt in the body by either by taking some magnesium supplement or consume salt water.

The post Banting Diet appeared first on Merger Association.

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